CommonJS Modules in YUIDoc
I love using YUIDoc for my JavaScript projects because the setup is dead simple and the default theme has everything I need, including search and good markup for SEO. It’s no secret it’s a little outdated, though (does Yahoo! even still exist?). If you’re using more modern JavaScript practices like CommonJS modules, you’ll probably run […]
Realtime Tracking of Elio Motors Crowdfunding
Update: Elio Tracker has been voluntarily deactivated due to some unexpected effects it could have had regarding Regulation A+. This form of investment is new and comes with some unique issues that a public data tracker like this brought to light. Further updates on the progress of campaigns will not be issued by this tracker, […]
A Raspberry Pi clock for your kitchen, and nowhere else
My kitchen was missing something. I’d looked at clocks and artwork, but none of the options were simultaneously affordable and nerdy enough for my liking. What I needed was a way to incorporate my love of thrift store finds and coding into something functional, attractive, and unique that would cause my visitors to be delighted […]
Scraping Raw CSS and HTML with YQL
For a recent project I needed a way in JavaScript to pull the sources of a remote stylesheet and a remote webpage, each as plain strings. The immediate problems were with cross-origin resource sharing policies (i.e. you can’t simply load an html resource that’s not on your domain or that is not on a server […]