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Ultimate Turbo Button Display

Looking for the code? — Skip straight to the GitHub repo.
Cat in front of monitor

Our modern, technological world is full of distractions. For this reason, when I really want to engage with a book but still take notes, I like to use a very old computer. It still needs to save to my NAS, have good word processing and printing functions, and provide font support and an IME for writing in Japanese but nothing else. It should be very fast at these tasks, but modern gaming and internet connectivity should be as impractical as possible. I find the sweet spot for this set of requirements to be a generously-clocked 486 running Windows 3.11, Microsoft Office 4.3, and Pacific Software Publishing‘s KanjiWORD.

None of us can remain fully focused, though, and building a period piece like this brings with it a whole world of fascinating distractions to explore while setting it up. My favorite may be the Turbo button.

Turbo power

PCs of this era were, believe it or not, blazing fast. So absurdly fast it was a problem.

If you had amassed a software library through the “IBM PC Compatible” ’80s, a lot of it was likely targeted at running on an Intel 8088 or 8086 processor or one of their numerous clones at 4.77MHz or 8MHz. This became an issue when compatible, but much quicker 286, 386, and 486 processors became the norm. You could still run your old programs, but if any human i/o was timed using clock cycles, it would now run with uncontrollable speed. In games, your character might zip across the screen faster than you could let off the arrow key; in word processors, your cursor might shoot to the end of the document when you were just trying to go down a few lines. It was too much of a good thing.

486 Ad
They weren’t kidding.

To combat this, computers started offering Turbo buttons that shorted two pins on the motherboard to toggle the processor between two speeds. Disengaging the turbo would under-clock your fancy, light speed processor down to a tamer, more backwards-compatible rate so that your programs could run how they used to.

Stupid case mods, retro edition

My first experience case modding was chopping a side window with a hack saw and shoving cold cathodes from into a beige 98 machine while chugging Bawls, but this degeneracy has an even longer and more storied legacy.

If you understood what a Turbo button did, then you already knew what speeds the clock was toggling between: Native and 808x. But what if you wanted it to look cool when you smashed that Turbo button and engaged the warp drive? What if all you really wanted out of life were lights and bleep-bloops? Then you needed a clock speed display.

Clint from LGR’s famous wood grain PC at 66MHz

It’s worth noting that clock speed displays never had any idea what the actual clock speed was–they didn’t measure anything. The numbers were set with jumpers on the back of the display and they would just toggle back and forth with the state of the Turbo button. They were purely eye candy.

I love eye candy.

Give me the shiny

Until recently, my 486 has been in a newer ATX case waiting for a forever home. When I finally found the right case, I couldn’t tell from the listing photos if it had a clock speed display or not. It seemed to have a spot for one, but the front panel wasn’t hooked up and it was all behind a smoked lens, so I couldn’t tell for sure. Unfortunately it didn’t have one–just a spot where one could go. Hats off to Jefferson College, who bought this unit in March 1994 from Skywalker AV Supply, for not wasting their money on nonsense… but now it’s time to fix that.

Case eBay listing
The empty spot got my hopes up.

You may have guessed that finding an obscure mod like this from 30 years ago is practically impossible, but this also presents opportunities. We now have three decades of technological progress with which to make our mods even stupider.

With that in mind, what if we could display not just a number, but a cool logo? Maybe even a tiny screen saver?

The hardware

Arduino with Molex power connector
Use red and black for 5V from a molex connector.

I had a 0.96″ SSD1306 panel and an Arduino Mega sitting around and didn’t feel like waiting on other parts, so that’s what I used to build this mod. It’s almost a perfect size to fit where a 2-digit clock speed display would have gone.

The wiring is dead simple:

  • 5V and GND from computer power supply to power the Arduino, which you can just steal from any molex cable. Hack up a spare case fan or something. (pinout)
  • Four jumper wires from Arduino to SSD1306 display (5V, GND, SDA, and SCK–check your specific Arduino for which pins are SDA and SCK)
  • One pull-down resistor between Arduino GND and a digital input of your choosing
  • One jumper wire from said digital input to the positive lead of the LED above the case’s Turbo button (measure with a voltmeter if it’s not obvious which lead is which)
Arduino with Turbo Button wiring attached
Yellow goes to Turbo LED positive. Note pull-down resistor to GND.

Connecting in this way allows you to view the current Turbo status without even bothering to look at the motherboard’s jumper polarity or trying to do some tiny, neat solder connection on your original jumper wires. If Turbo is engaged, it’s going to send voltage to your Turbo LED, and this big, easily-reversible soldering target can set your digital input HIGH. If Turbo’s disengaged, the pull-down resistor will set the input LOW. No need to get too fancy; these weren’t technically fancy to begin with. Just do your soldering with some haste so you don’t damage the LED or anything, and make sure your Arduino is either insulated somehow or mounted up off the case.

Arduino wiring
Neat enough I suppose!

In retrospect, a custom four-ended jumper cable with one female end, two male ends, and one male end with an inline pull-down resistor, paired with one straight-through female to male jumper would accomplish this same thing with no soldering on original components whatsoever so long as the pins are the same size as what’s on your motherboard. Maybe next time.

The software

To drive the display you can use Adafruit’s SSD1306 library and GFX library. All the hard work is already done with this display so there’s no point reinventing the wheel. You’ll need two bitmaps representing what you want to show when the Turbo is engaged or disengaged, and you can make them in GIMP, Paint, or whatever. Jasper van Loenen’s image2cpp will happily convert your monochrome 128×64 bitmap into an array that the Arduino can read and display with the drawBitmap function in the Adafruit GFX library. For the SSD1306, use the “Horizontal, 1 bit per pixel” draw mode.

Arduino with OLED showing a Cyrix logo

For a little extra fun I mashed Sinoia’s oled-starfield into my program so that ten seconds after pressing the Turbo button, the screen switches to the classic Starfield Simulation screensaver until you press it again. OLED burn-in isn’t really a significant concern if you don’t use the machine that much (and it’s not like these tiny OLEDs are expensive anyway), but mine idles a lot and I would like to get at least another few decades out of it with as little maintenance as possible.

Animated gif of Starfield Simulation screen saver

Here’s the code I’m using, which you can also view on GitHub. I recommend adapting this to your tastes, or just stealing relevant bits and pieces. I’ve also included a separate display centering sketch in the GitHub repo that you can load while you’re actually attaching the display into the case to ensure it’s centered and level.


Turbo button bliss

With it all installed, now I can show off that there’s a cool Cyrix Cx486 DX2 80MHz chip in there even if it’s buried in the case where you’ll never see it. In this computer, Turbo is wired so that having it engaged runs at 80MHz and disengaged drops to 4.77MHz. Disengaging the Turbo swaps to a little “i8088” icon depicting the classic chip.

The cool icons and animations you could use this for are endless. I was very seriously considering having the screensaver be the little Chrome pixel dinosaur jumping over cacti. Or maybe the Netscape Navigator loading animation.

Naturally I had to go with wood grain on the case as an homage to the LGR wood grain PC, which initially got me into this. I highly recommend watching the original build and upgrade series.

Last Updated: 2024-05-15 - Questions? Feedback? Send me a note!