Absurdly Intense Stealth Bluetooth
There are a lot of great ways to get Bluetooth in your car these days; aftermarket head units, FM transmitters, battery-powered Bluetooth cassettes, dongles that go into the aux port, and even amplifiers with built-in Bluetooth are everywhere. New head units cost less than a pack of toilet paper. But what if you’re going for […]
Ultimate Turbo Button Display
Looking for the code? — Skip straight to the GitHub repo. Our modern, technological world is full of distractions. For this reason, when I really want to engage with a book but still take notes, I like to use a very old computer. It still needs to save to my NAS, have good word processing […]
Detecting Clicks on Rotated Rectangles
Normally in web application development, clicks are a matter of listeners. Either a click hit a thing or it didn’t. When using the HTML5 canvas, this isn’t the case. Images and features are rendered onto it, but you can’t attach a listener to them. Instead, you monitor where these elements visually reside versus where clicks land. If […]
Daisy Chaining SPI on the Arduino Mega 2560
While working on a new revision of a project, I moved from an Arduino Uno to an Arduino Mega. In theory these devices should handle SPI in the same manner, just with different pins. While MOSI, MISO, and SCK are on pins 11, 12, and 13 respectively on the Uno, those change to 51, 50, […]